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Online Editions of Berean to Berean's Newsletters

Tabernacle Newsletter Feb/March 2021 Where to from Here?

Purim starts tonight in Israel. It has been a year since the realization that major changes in the world were taking place. Now we are in the midst of restrictive regulations, tracking and a decision that will affect our social standing and health in the future. All I can say is, Luke 21:28. “When you…

Tabernacle Newsletter April 2020

He is Risen. Hallelujah Well, what do you know! Finally I’m writing another newsletter.I went to visit my family in NZ mid Dec 2018, and came home to Israel on the last day of Feb 2019, and never got around to writing a newsletter for over a year.Now look where we all are in April…

Tabernacle Newsletter July-December 2018

July - December 2018 I am sending this newsletter earlier than December because I won't be here. In mid December I will be traveling to see my family and celebrate with them; The King's Birthday (most likely not His actual date of physical entry into our level of existence), the Gregorian New Year, and Dad's…

Tabernacle Newsletter Edition 6

January - June 2018 It’s time again to bring you an update. At the end of February into March we had groups of volunteers one after the other. All the Holy items outside/inside were re-painted and the covering curtains were replaced. The group from Seguin Texas donated to us an industrial sewing machine. Such a…

Tabernacle 2018 Newsletter Update

Update January 2018 The night I sent out the newsletter, I found an article in the Jerusalem post about one of the skeletons found at Solomon’s Pillars in the park. Archaeologists discover rare remains of pregnant woman in King Solomon’s Mines I found other interesting articles as well, some of which I will include here.…

Tabernacle Newsletter Edition 5

July to December 2017 A belated Happy Hanukkah, Kings Birthday and New Year. I grew up in a British Commonwealth country and we celebrated the Queen's Birthday on the same weekend every year. When I grew up I discovered that it was not her actual birthday but the day traditionally when we all celebrated her…

Tabernacle book and German translation – Edition 3

Tabernacle book and German translation So, finally the book is up online for purchase. I have had to draw the line at adding more or I will never finish. As I do more reading and research I will add those extras. I am always learning new things; so apparently I can put a code in the…

Tabernacle Newsletter Edition 2

Since last sending out a newsletter, the Tabernacle has been hit by a flash flood on 25th October 2015. We were warned that a storm was coming but no one ever imagined that it would bring so much water. This is early in the season and there is still the rest of winter to live…

Tabernacle Newsletter Edition 4

January to July 2017 Update on the Tabernacle Well it's high time I fill you in with what has been happening here. There has been a flurry of activity that has resulted in renewal inside and out of the replica here in Timna Park. I had an intern from the Bible college that built the…

Tabernacle newsletter Edition 1

Well, at last I am getting the newsletter going. It is still very hot out here in the desert. We got temperatures over 50 degrees C earlier this month. The Acacia trees have been looking dead. Each year I wonder if they have finally died (we have one next to the Tabernacle that is dead;…

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