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  • alison


Tabernacle Newsletter Feb/March 2021 Where to from Here?

Purim starts tonight in Israel. It has been a year since the realization that major changes in the world were taking place. Now we are...

Naphtali’s Corner

Why this name? Naphtali was one of the sons of Jacob and when Jacob blessed his sons before he died, his blessing for Naphtali was,...

No Events Scheduled

Until Further Notice: Due to the present world wide circumstances there are no events planned at the Tabernacle. Park Timna is open, but the Visitors...

Spiritual Embassies

Spiritual Embassies I have been reading a variety of books lately that are research done by various people (notably, Dr M. Heiser; Derek and Sharon...

Tabernacle Newsletter April 2020

He is Risen. Hallelujah Well, what do you know! Finally I’m writing another newsletter.I went to visit my family in NZ mid Dec 2018, and...

Tabernacle book and German translation – Edition 3

Tabernacle book and German translation So, finally the book is up online for purchase. I have had to draw the line at adding more or...
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