Tabernacle book and German translation – Edition 3
Tabernacle book and German translationSo, finally the book is up online for purchase. I have had to draw the line at adding more or I will never finish. As I do more reading and research I will add those extras. I am always learning new things; so apparently I can put a code in the book that will give those who purchase it, access to the extras. Also, as it is expensive to print colour I will eventually print in Black and White so it will be available at the Tabernacle when people visit. They will then be able to use the code to access the extras. I will send a newsletter to let you know when I add anything. As you can see from the photos, the Tabernacle has been wonderfully restored with a lot of help as you saw in the last newsletter. Many have returned recently and commented that the last time they were here the courtyard had a bulldozer!
In the meantime, a visitor to the Tabernacle, Johanness of has translated the Power Point into German and added his own research. We will add a link to his website, but we already have the translation in 7 parts in the Virtual tour section along with the Russian translation. The Tabernacle needs a new ‘Tachash’ and that is underway thanks to a generous donation. It is a busy season at the moment with many booked groups and also everyday groups are coming that haven’t booked! It gets like a railway station or airport at times and sometimes I have to join groups in one tour. We are still looking for a competent Hebrew/ English speaker who loves the Lord and knows scripture. We hope to have an intern for 3 months starting in January so if this goes ahead we will have spoken German for a short while. Meanwhile, Bolt, my rescue dog, spends his time guarding diligently, as you can see! Most of the visitors adore him and he loves the attention. Beloved, thanks for your prayers; keep it up “Aslan is on the move”, (for those of you who know Narnia).
That’s it for now. The Lord continue to change us to walk circumspectly with Him; always willing to listen and obey and thereby walk in the Spirit and grow from glory to glory until we obtain the image of Messiah/Christ, 2 Cor.13:8.
Yours in the Messiah, Alimae. |